UD Pocket brings your remote staff closer to home
IGEL’s UDP has been out for some months now, and is starting to catch on as a very fast, smart way of connecting remote staff to a central cloud network. The UDP offers a dual-boot system that turns compatible, USB-bootable form factors into an IGEL Linux 10-powered endpoint, without overwriting the local OS. This is especially useful for remote staff who need to be connected to a virtual desktop environment back at HQ, as it can be achieved with absolutely no technical training. The small form-factor UD Pocket plugs into an available USB port on the device to be connected, and literally takes care of the whole process automatically.
IT staff can connect remote workers to a virtual network, either individually or as a group. Staff will have immediate access to the same applications and resources as their colleagues back in HQ, as well as a device that is remotely manageable. That includes security patches, upgrades for all supported software, plug-ins and applications. Devices that run as part of the virtual network convert to run as endpoints, and have many of the attendant benefits. Boot up times are improved – in some cases reducing from as long as thirty seconds, down to seven or eight. Access to applications in the cloud is fast, and workflows can follow the individual as they move around – log onto a device in the network using a secure credential, and the ‘live’ workflow boots up within seconds, at the exact point where the staff member left it.
The IGEL UD Pocket is a valuable tool for keeping remote workers connected to a virtual network solutions, giving them fast, secure and easily manageable access to devices and applications.