Secure, Controlled Gig Worker Access to VDI and Cloud Workspaces with IGEL
When I think about my stints as a freelancer or temporary worker, I remember the frequent delays I experienced while accessing essential data. With fees booked on an hourly basis, time was of the essence for the client, but all too often such access issues delayed the onset of the assignment and spiked the costs. Known as the “extern,” a streamlined log-on to systems from Day One posed challenges for the IT team.
Knowing what I know now about some of the challenges of end user computing (EUC), I recognize those organizations did not leverage Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDI). With the advancements in EUC technology and accessibility to cloud services, organizations can alleviate many of the challenges of managing a patchwork of use cases and dispersed infrastructure.
In an attempt to optimize IT resources, many organizations have embraced Remote Desktop Services (RDS), VDI, DaaS, and cloud services. But IT teams can only fully realize the benefits of such technologies when they achieve simplicity and security at the endpoint. Providing access to a managed and secure workspace is critical for business continuity now and into the future.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the contribution the “gig economy” makes in helping a disrupted economy stay afloat. With the unfortunate introduction of furloughs, lay-offs, and redundancies, key skills and competencies remain a necessity, albeit on mostly an on-demand basis. Following ongoing mandates for work from home, businesses are looking to optimize their IT resources to provide secure workspaces to their employees and guest workers.
With IGEL, IT teams do not have to start from scratch. Rather, they can build on their existing resources to optimize and extend their VDI or DaaS ecosystem. Any compatible x86-64 PC, laptop, and thin client can gain controlled and secure access to a company’s workspace with IGEL’s UD Pocket. A tiny USB stick, the UD Pocket and UD Pocket2 with a USB-C connector deliver IGEL OS from almost anywhere. The user simply plugs it into their device to boot IGEL OS, and connect to their secure corporate workspace be that VMware, Citrix, AWS, Microsoft, or others. With 100+ partner technology integrations, IGEL’s operating system streamlines many known complexities while saving IT budget. The IT team can manage this profile remotely with IGEL Universal Management Suite software, even outside the corporate network by connecting to the IGEL Cloud Gateway — no VPN is required.
The IGEL UD Pocket provides a secure and centrally managed solution for businesses to enable guest workers with controlled access to their network even on their own personal device. Once the session is complete the user simply unplugs the UD Pocket to resume the original set-up. Upon completion of an assignment, the IT team can remotely deactivate the IGEL OS profile.
Gig/temporary workers are here to stay, not just during the pandemic but as a big part of the future of work. With IGEL, organizations can make sure all of their users – full-time, part-time, visiting, temporary, or project focused – get secure, controlled access to their desired workspaces no matter where they may be located.
Learn more in this App Note: Enable Secure and Controlled Guest User Access to Your Corporate Network with IGEL
Or listen to interviews with IT Admins who already transformed their end user computing environment with IGEL.
Image licensed from Unsplash.