Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams, also referred to as simply Teams, is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration. Through the licencing of Office 365, organizations all over the world are using Teams to help people connect and collaborate.

Teams + IGEL OS
While some VDI and DaaS platforms support the use of Teams and can “offload” voice and video to the local client, some of the platforms are still under development.
Since Covid-19 and the increased requirement to work from home, IGEL has been enabling organisations to deploy Teams natively using the Linux version of Teams and IGEL’s custom partition functionality.
This allows organisations to benefit from running IGEL OS on the endpoint and deliver Teams functionality to employees.
A technical demonstration
Ian Anderson, one of IGEL’s sales engineers, provides an overview of how our customers are deploying Teams natively on IGEL OS.
In this demonstration, Ian shows Teams running at full frame rate, full audio quality alongside a WVD connection and how utilising the IGEL management platform, Teams can be centrally deployed and managed onto IBM Thinkpad running IGEL OS.
Contact us to find out more about IGEL OS and Teams
The local MS Teams App is not part of IGEL OS and therefore, not officially supported.