Calling all EUC Techies, The IGEL Community is Here! Join Today!
“Technology no longer consists just of hardware or software or even services, but of communities. Increasingly, community is a part of technology, a driver of technology, and an emergent effect of technology.” – Howard Rheingold
At IGEL we could not agree more and hence we are so happy to invite you to the most active community in the EUC world, the IGEL Community. By joining you will not only have the ability to stay up-to-date and learn about all the amazing solutions IGEL has but also help drive the future of the technology through your feedback and participation.
Our goal is to create a place for techies, the men and women who support IGEL solutions, to learn more through the power of each other! Today we have hundreds of the leading names in the EUC world, along with rock star engineers from IGEL as members of our lively community.
Members can expect to find:
- Latest IGEL technical announcements
- Community messaging via Slack, sharing tips, tricks, scripts, causal chit chat and so much more.
- Upcoming and archived technical events, meetups and webinars
- New white papers and key tech documentation
- GitHub repository of IGEL related community scripts
You can find the IGEL community in two places, a LinkedIn Group, and our very active Slack Group.
I would also like to take a second to share the IGEL Community’s first resource with you, a detailed step-by-step book on how to install and configure the IGEL Software Platform. Our goal for this project is to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and understanding to download the IGEL Platform trial software and perform a basic installation and configuration without being forced to read many manuals and numerous web support articles. This book walks you, step-by-step, through what is required to download the IGEL software and get it up and running in a proof-of-concept or lab scenario. When finished, you will have a fully working IGEL End-Point Management Platform consisting of the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS), IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) and at least one IGEL OS installed, connected and centrally managed! All this, screen-shot by screen-shot. No more guesswork!
Download the ‘How-To Install and Configure the IGEL Software Platform Made Easy Book’ here – http://bit.ly/2EikfSo