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Simple, Smart and Secure – Windows 365 and Windows 11

For some time the end-user computing (EUC) market has been abuzz with questions around a new version of Windows and rumors of a new service, offering Windows from the cloud. Introducing Windows 365 Today at Microsoft Inspire, Microsoft finally announced…

NerdioCon 2021: Stop Edge Device Insanity

It’s time to put a stop to end user computing (EUC) insanity. In other words, why would you migrate your EUC workloads to the cloud, deploy Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), while still maintaining Windows running natively on those devices accessing…

Securing the Healthcare Endpoint

Free Up Necessary IT Resources When They’re Needed Most Workers in the healthcare industry have a lot on their mind. The sourcing of critical equipment and supplies. The urgent care for a rising number of patients. Not to mention their…

M&A: Endpoint Management Key to a Healthy Integration

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” It’s an expression that comes to mind when thinking about how to integrate IT-related platforms when organizations merge. The healthcare sector is particularly susceptible to post-merger paralysis. According to Vertess Research, 1,182 M&A deals…

IGEL At Your Service

How IGEL Advanced Services are Helping Customers Focus on Other Strategic Priorities When you make the decision to adopt IGEL to enhance your end user computing (EUC) environment, you want to realize IGEL’s value as quickly as possible. And, there’s…

IGEL and Partners Are the Endpoint Prescription for Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, early attempts at desktop virtualization were oftentimes hampered by Windows PC limitations or lacking the robust security framework HIPAA and other regulations demand. Healthcare IT today is transitioning from this unproductive and vulnerable approach to a…

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